My New Domain
I bought a new domain a few days back - I was trying to buy this domain for last two years, but it was already taken. My previous domain, that I got for free via GitHub education pack was good enough for me, but the thought that I own a domain which is a top-level domain of some other country was in itself something which I was not comfortable with. So when I got the chance to buy this domain, I didn’t delay. Hope this domain will remain my personal home on the web for years to come.
The domain is mapped with GitLab, and the SSL certificates are provided by Let’s Encrypt. Let’s Encrypt requires you to renew the SSL certificates every 90 days. That seems like a manual work to me. Moreover, my new registrar, GoDaddy, provides a very complete API for their domain services. So I am planning to write a script which utilizes the APIs of GitLab and GoDaddy to deploy the SSL certificates automatically. I will probably use the DNS based authentication to verify the ownership of my domain, as that seems the only method which does not require any modification on the host side. I will write a post with all the details about the script, once I finish implementing it.
That’s all for this post. See you next time… :)