Arch Linux Installation Guide Part 2
In this post, I will continue from my last post and set up my newly installed Arch Linux for daily use. I am going to install some applications that I use on a day to day basis. Some of these applications are required for my current configuration setup to work properly. The choice of applications is highly opinionated and your preferences might be different.
Note: If you had gone for installation via SSH option, then I would suggest you to edit your sshd_config
file and disable root
login. It can be a security risk otherwise.
Install a terminal based browser
Terminal-based browsers are very handy in cases when you are required to login into a captive portal and you don’t have access to a graphical browser. We will install two different browsers, elinks
and w3m
sudo pacman -S elinks w3m
Install X server.
sudo pacman -S xorg
This will install minimal X desktop environment with fonts, in case, you want to test your system before installing any desktop environment.
Enable multilib repository for 32-bit package support
To enable multilib repository, uncomment the [multilib]
section in /etc/pacman.conf
Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
Now upgrade your system.
sudo pacman -Syyu
Install video and touchpad drivers
sudo pacman -S xf86-video-intel xf86-input-synaptics
Install pacaur
to fetch and install packages from AUR
sudo pacman -S expac yajl --noconfirm
cd /tmp
gpg --recv-keys --keyserver hkp:// 1EB2638FF56C0C53
curl -o PKGBUILD
makepkg -i PKGBUILD --noconfirm
curl -o PKGBUILD
makepkg -i PKGBUILD --noconfirm
Install graphical browsers
pacaur -S firefox chromium
Install code editors
pacaur -S sublime-text-dev atom-editor-git visual-studio-code-bin neovim neovim-drop-in leafpad
Setup LAMP stack
- Install Apache server
sudo pacman -S apache
Make your user-directory available to apache server
mkdir ~/public_html chmod o+x ~ chmod o+x ~/public_html chmod -R o+r ~/public_html
To enable virtualhosts, uncomment the following line in
and add your virtualhost configuration in following file.Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
To test the virtual hosts on you local machine, add the virtual names to yoursudo vim /etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
- Install PHP:
sudo pacman -S php php-apache
Use PHP with apache:
Open `/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf` and uncomment following line.
LoadModule mpm_prefork_module modules/
#LoadModule mpm_event_module modules/
Now add these lines to `/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf`:
* Add these at the end of `LoadModule` section.
LoadModule php7_module modules/
AddHandler php7-script .php
* Place this at the end of the `Include` section:
Include conf/extra/php7_module.conf
Install MySQL server
sudo pacman -S mariadb
Initialize the MariaDB data directory prior to starting the service. To do so, run:
sudo mysql_install_db --user=mysql --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/lib/mysql
Then issue the commands to start the database server
sudo systemctl enable mariadb.service sudo systemctl start mariadb.service
To apply recommended security settings to your database, run
sudo mysql_secure_installation
Install PHPMyAdmin
sudo pacman -S phpmyadmin php-mcrypt
- Enable
extensions in/etc/php/php.ini
. - Create the apache configuration file
Then include following inAlias /phpmyadmin "/usr/share/webapps/phpMyAdmin" <Directory "/usr/share/webapps/phpMyAdmin"> DirectoryIndex index.php AllowOverride All Options FollowSymlinks Require all granted </Directory>
# phpMyAdmin configuration Include conf/extra/phpmyadmin.conf
Now restart httpd
service to apply settings.
sudo systemctl restart httpd
Setup power management
Install tlp
and some of its optional dependencies
sudo pacman -S tlp tlp-rdw bash-completion ethtool lsb-release smartmontools
Then enable tlp
sudo systemctl enable tlp.service
sudo systemctl enable tlp-sleep.service
# mask some services for tlp to work properly
sudo systemctl mask systemd-rfkill.service
sudo systemctl mask systemd-rfkill.socket
Install i3 and other tools
All these tools are part of my i3
config with exception of the theme related packages. So installing them here will help me later while setting up the i3
window manager.
pacaur -S i3 rofi polybar xautolock powerline-fonts-git i3lock-fancy-git compton scrot feh dunst unclutter xfce4-power-manager numlockx lxappearance adapta-gtk-theme gtk-engine-murrine gnome-themes-standard termite
Fix Ugly Fonts 1
Fonts rendering is one area where Linux still lags behind Windows and OSX. It can be a nightmare for users to setup fonts properly in Linux. In Arch Linux, this is even worse. I found some tricks to improve the quality of font rendering on Arch Linux. Though this is far from perfect, it is manageable. Follow these steps on Reddit to fix font rendering. I use Noto Sans, Adobe Source Code Pro, and Microsoft fonts. My apologies, but I can’t help here. Some websites still use Microsoft fonts.
Setup Python Environment
I use Python extensively and virtual environments are a must for my development setup. I use pipenv
to manage my virtual environments. To install pipenv
, you need to install virtualenv
first. To install it, run the following command.
sudo pacman -S python-virtualenv
Now you are ready to install pipenv
. Follow these instructions to install the tool.
Install some other common tools
sudo pacman -S vlc openssh npm imagemagick git la-capitaine-icon-theme-git
Do not forget to setup npm
to install packages globally without requiring sudo
That’s all! Your system should be in working condition now. Do check out my dotfiles if you want to set up your system like mine.
Hope you enjoyed the article. Cheers 😄